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Spanish Army boosts armoured training

15th February 2021 - 14:15 GMT | by Trevor Nash in Holsworthy

Spain is enhancing its distributed network of armoured fighting vehicle simulators with the addition of 28 devices for the Pizarro IFV.

The Spanish General Directorate of Armament and Materiel has contracted Indra Sistemas to provide 28 simulators for the Pizarro Infantry/Cavalry Combat Vehicle. The devices will comprise seven troop clusters of four simulators each and will be located throughout Spain.

Each vehicle is represented by a driver simulator and a turret simulator; the latter housing the commander and gunner. The new training devices will be delivered in 2022 and operate with the Spanish Army’s extant Leopard 2E and Víctrix simulators in a distributed network using high-level architecture protocols.

Indra has said that the Pizarro simulators will include Phase I/II vehicles. According

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Trevor Nash


Trevor Nash

After a career in the British Army, Trevor Nash worked in the simulation and training …

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